ABC Assistance

Site, Shopping Mall, Construction Site and Factory Services

In sites, shopping centres, construction sites and factories, there may be emergency health situations that require urgent, unexpected and immediate intervention. We are at your side within the framework of emergency health problems or routine health services that may arise in collective living and collective working environments.

We are always at your service with our 24/7 health team and ambulance support applications. Our teams that will work in these collective living and working areas are informed according to the special needs of the service area. We provide ambulance and emergency health services with our medical team consisting of experienced and specially trained health personnel.

Again, our ambulances that will serve in the aforementioned collective living and working areas are equipped at the highest level. Our ambulances, which are regularly service-maintained, equipped with all necessary equipment for all kinds of first intervention and safe transport, are licensed by the Provincial Directorate of Health.

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